Information & Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities

Tagged as: Reading

Tutorial #6: Repeated Readings to Promote Fluency

Beth Harn, Ph.D., University of Oregon & David Chard, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University

In Teaching Tutorial # 6, our experts are Beth Harn, Ph.D., University of Oregon & David Chard, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University This Teaching Tutorial offers: Online tutorial covering What is Repeated Reading? How do we Know Repeated Reading is Effective? When Should we Employ Repeated Reading? What Should Teachers Consider in Designing Repeated Reading Instruction? What Repeated Reading Strategies can Teachers use to Promote Fluency? How […]

Effective Practices for Reading Comprehension

Sheri Berkeley and Margo Mastropieri - George Mason University

Sheri Berkeley and Margo Mastropieri describe the importance of reading comprehension and what is known about effective practices.
