Information & Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities

Awards and Grants

DLD administers award, grant, and loan programs that recognize excellence in the field of learning disabilities and help promote activities to support the goals of the organization. We describe each of them in the following sections.

In addition to the its awards, grants, and loans, DLD also sponsors special competitions for students to present their research during the DLD’s reception at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children. Initiated in 2006 by then student representative Catherine A. Griffith, these sessions have become a regular feature at DLD receptions. They provide an opportunity for students to present research to a large body of interested visitors including many eminent scholars in the area of learning disabilities.


Samuel A. Kirk Awards

The Kirk Award is named after Samuel A. Kirk, one of the United State’s foremost leaders in special education and, especially in the field of learning disabilities. This award is overseen by DLD’s Publications Committee, is given occasionally, and recognizes excellence in professional journal articles that have been published in Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. For more information, please contact us

Policymaker Award

The Policymaker Award recognizes an advocate, activist, caregiver, or scholar who has made significant contributions to policies that promote provision of services for individuals with learning disabilities. Two awards may be given annually. The nominator of an individual for this award must be a member of DLD. The award consists of a commemorative plaque, a $500 stipend, and up to $500 in travel expenses for presentation of the award held at DLD’s business
meeting during CEC’s annual convention.

This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

Jeannette E. Fleischner Career Leadership Award

The Jeannette E. Fleischner Career Leadership Award honors those who have advanced the field of learning disabilities through direct services, policy development, community service, research or organizational leadership throughout their career. Up to three awards may be given annually to recognize a variety of contributions. The award consists of (a) $500 stipend, (b) up to $500 in travel expenses for presentation of the award at the DLD business meeting held during CEC’s annual convention, and (c) a commemorative plaque. This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

Click here to read about previous award recipients

Marva Collins Diversity Award

The Marva Collins Diversity Award honors a special education teacher who makes a significant impact in the education of children and youths with learning disabilities who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The award consists of, (a) $500 stipend, (b) up to $500 toward travel to a regional DLD or national CEC conference, and (c) a commemorative plaque. This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

Click here to read about previous award recipients

Outstanding Educator of the Year Award

Outstanding Educator-of-the-Year Awards are designed to recognize outstanding professionals who serve students with learning disabilities. Nominees may be special educators, general educators, administrators, or other educators who have spent at least 5 years serving students with learning disabilities at any grade level. The award consists of, (a) $500 stipend, (b) up to $500 in travel expenses for presentation of the award at the DLD business meeting, held during CEC’s annual convention, and (c) a commemorative plaque. This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

Click here to read about previous award recipients

John Wills Lloyd Outstanding Doctoral Research Award

DLD’s John Wills Lloyd Outstanding Doctoral Research Award recognizes excellence in doctoral research that contributes to the field of learning disabilities. This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

The award consists of:

  1. A $500 cash award.
  2. Up to an additional $500 for travel to receive the award at the CEC Annual Convention
  3. One-year membership in CEC and DLD
  4. An opportunity to present the research at the CEC Annual Convention.
  5. An invitation to submit the research for publication in the DLD journal, Learning Disabilities Research & Practice

Click here to read about previous award recipients

Grants and Loans

Candace S. Bos Innovative Project Grants

DLD’s Candace S. Bos Innovative Projects grants support doctoral students, teachers, and other pupil services personnel who provide services to students with learning disabilities as they develop creative projects to enhance instruction, curriculum, action research, and service delivery. DLD allots a yearly total of $5,000 for support, funding individual projects from $100 to $1,000. Applicants must be members of DLD. This year (2023) nominations are due November 1st.

Click here to read about previous award recipients

DLD Assisted Regional Conferences

Regional consortia composed of two to seven DLD subdivisions are eligible for interest-free loans up to $5,000 to support regional conferences. The Professional Development, Standards, and Ethics Committee of DLD will provide organizational support to regional subdivisions that receive the loans.

DLD Subdivision Conference Loans

DLD has interest-free loans up to $5,000 to assist local subdivisions in conducting conferences. These interest-free loans provide subdivisions with the financial assistance that will allow them to have conferences based on the members’ needs. The Professional Development, Standards, and Ethics Committee of DLD will provide organizational support for subdivisions that use interest-free loans to finance their conferences.