Information & Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities

Tagged as: Use caution

Practice Alert
Data-Based Individualization
Jessica Toste, The University of Texas at Austin; Marissa Filderman, The University of Texas at Austin; Nathan Clemens, The University of Texas at Austin
Issue 30

Data-based individualization (DBI) is a systematic approach to using student data to determine when and how to modify interventions for students with persistent academic difficulties (Danielson & Rosenquist, 2014; Fuchs, Fuchs, & Vaughn, 2014). This approach was developed by special education researchers, working closely with special education teachers, and led to a process of intensive […]

Practice Alert
High-Stakes Assessment
Martha Thurlow, University of Minnesota
Alert Issue 4, Spring 2001

IDEA 97 requires that all students with disabilities participate in regular state and district assessments, unless their IEP indicates that they are unable to participate. Most students with LD are able to participate, given appropriate testing accommodations. Unfortunately, we still do not have uniform guidelines or empirical validation regarding appropriate testing accommodations.

Practice Alert
Co-Teaching 2018 UPDATE
Sarah Cothren Cook & Kimberly McDuffie-Landrum
Alert Issue 6, Winter 2018

In this Alert update, Sarah Cothren Cook and Kimberly McDuffie-Landrum build on the 2001 analysis of co-teaching by Naomi Zigmond and Kathleen Magiera.  Co-Teaching is a special education service delivery model in which a general educator and a special educator share responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for a diverse group of students. Although […]

Practice Alert
Reading Recovery
Carolyn Denton and Patricia Mathes, Center for Academic and Reading Skills, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston.
Alert Issue 7, Summer 2002

Reading Recovery is an early literacy intervention that provides one-to-one tutoring to children who perform at the lowest levels in their class after one year of school reading instruction (Pinnell, 1989). From the available research, it is evident that Reading Recovery works well for some students, but not all. There are also questions about how […]

Practice Alert
Social Skills Instruction
James Leffert, Gary N. Siperstein, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Alert Issue 9, Fall 2003

Social skills instruction refers to the systematic application of instructional procedures to teach social skills. Educators sometimes use other terms, such as “violence prevention” and “character education”, to refer to instructional programs that include the teaching of social skills. At present, there is wide variability in the implementation of social skills instruction, making it hard […]

Practice Alert
Cooperative Learning
Kristen McMaster, University of Minnesota, and Doug Fuchs, Vanderbilt University
Alert Issue 11, Spring 2005

Cooperative learning (CL) is an instructional method that makes use of small, heterogeneous groups of students who work together to achieve common learning goals (Johnson & Johnson, 1992). Researchers have reported mixed results for CL in improving the academic achievement of students with disabilities.

Behavior Content Areas
Practice Alert
Learning Styles
Timothy Landrum and Kimberly McDuffie Landrum, University of Louisville
Alert Issue 21, Winter 2014

Everyone has heard of the concept of learning styles, an idea grounded in the concept that individuals differ in the ways they learn. However, according to this Alert, “few quality empirical studies have examined whether designing and delivering instruction according to an identified learning style improves student outcomes.” 

Practice Alert
Brain-Based Learning
Amy E. Ruhaak
Alert Issue 28, Winter

Brain-based learning is the integration of neuroscience research and theory, education theory, and instructional practice used to address the specific needs of individuals student learning.  This alert describes brain-based learning and how it works in addition to reviewing the current research on the topic.

Content Areas
Practice Alert
Brain-Based Learning
Amy E. Ruhaak
Alert Issue 28, Winter

Brain-based learning is the integration of neuroscience research and theory, education theory, and instructional practice used to address the specific needs of individuals student learning. This alert describes brain-based learning and how it works in addition to reviewing the current research on the topic.

Content Areas