Information & Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities


The Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) of the Council for Exceptional Children is overseen by a group of volunteers who serve on the executive board for DLD. Other volunteers have formed subdivisions in provinces in Canada and states in the United States. Additional volunteers provide advice to the editors of TeachingLD. The following sections explain about those people’s contributions to DLD. 

DLD Executive Board  

The Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) of the Council for Exceptional Children is overseen by a group of volunteers who serve on the executive board for DLD. They include elected officers, appointed committee chairs, and non-voting members (student representative, editors, and the executive director). The following paragraphs provide additional information about those roles as well as links to parts of this site where visitors can obtain more detailed information about the activities of the officers, committees, and the people filling those positions. DLD’s constitution and bylaws specify the duties of the officers and committees.


Six elected officers serve on the executive board at any given time. Four of them are in the presidential sequence, one as immediate past president, one as presiding president, one a president elect, and one as vice president. Each person in those offices serves a one-year term and advances to the next office in subsequent years; thus, election as vice-president begins a four-year commitment to serving DLD. Both the secretary and the treasurer are elected for two-year terms; the secretary cannot be re-elected for successive terms, but the treasurer can. Learn more about DLD officers.


Six committees conduct much of the work of DLD. They are the Publications and Communications Committee; Research Committee; Professional Development, Standards, and Ethics Committee; Membership Committee; Public Policy Committee; and Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Committee. The presiding president appoints chairs of the committees when vacancies occur; chairs serve three-year terms and DLD strives to have vacancies occur in a staggered fashion so that replacements are distributed across presidencies. Learn more about DLD committees.

DLD Subdivisions

DLD supports groups in US states and Canadian provinces that organize local members focused on learning disabilities. Subdivisions can perform important activities including holding local conferences, advocating for policies that aide students learning disabilities and their teachers in local education agencies, and more. If you are interested in starting a Subdivision for DLD please contact our executive director at

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