President’s Message for September 2011

Paul Riccomini

Welcome to the Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) of the Council for Exceptional Children, the largest international professional organization of people committed to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. I am pleased you are a member of this organization and feel confident that once you learn more about the DLD’s resources we have to offer, you’ll become an even more active member of the DLD community.

I am honored to have an opportunity to serve the Division for Learning Disabilities in the leadership capacity of President. DLD is comprised of an entire community of individuals committed to increasing the success of students with learning disabilities in all aspects of their educational experience. As we enter a time in education of unparalleled change, scrutiny, and financial constraints, it is imperative that we as an organization provide leadership in a way that moves the field of learning disabilities forward in a positive manner. As President of DLD, I will help focus the board’s energy to address the following five areas:

  1. Work to further clarify how Response to Intervention models are impacting those students at-risk for learning disabilities, students with learning disabilities, their parents, and teachers of students with learning disabilities;
  2. Provide more clarity on instructional practices with demonstrated effectiveness for students with learning disabilities;
  3. Continue to work towards a clearer definition of learning disabilities and how that definition fits into the goals and purpose of Response to Intervention; 
  4. Work together with existing State DLD Chapters to support their local efforts as well as working with those interested in starting new State DLD Chapters; and
  5. Continue to develop and make available a variety of resources for those charged with the education of students with learning disabilities through electronic and print media outlets.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mike Gerber for his leadership as President of DLD in 2010-2011 and look forward to building momentum from his work. Additionally, I would like to thank Linda Siegel, past president; Elizabeth Parrett, chair of the Membership Committee; and Kristen McMaster, chair of Professional Development, Standards, and Ethics Committee, for their excellent service to DLD that often extended well beyond our expectations.

I look forward to working with all of you to improve the outcomes of students with learning disabilities.

Best Wishes,


Paul Riccomini, President
Division for Learning Disabilities

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